Supporting your journey to a gentle birth and
an empowered motherhood
EMBRACE offers Westchester families a holistic approach to parenting from a natural birth and beyond
HypnoBirthing Classes
Discover a more gentle, positive, fear-free birth that sets the tone for this exciting next chapter of your life!
Prenatal/Postpartum Fitness
Experience the difference when you connect your mind with your body to achieve an easier labor and recovery.
Postpartum Doula
Build confidence in your role as a mother while nurturing your identity and gaining the support of a loving community.
The Marie Mongan Method
HypnoBirthing® is more than a technique, it is a philosophy. It is a comprehensive, evidence-based natural birth class that provides mothers and their birth partners with a deep educational understanding of how natural childbirth unfolds to facilitate an instinctual, fear-free birth. Where there is no fear, there is no pain-causing tension and so the cycle we have been conditioned to believe in is broken. Imagine a joyous, even euphoric birth experience!
HypnoBirthing® By The Numbers
Reserve Your Spot In Class
Today and Receive:
Official HypnoBirthing® Book
EMBRACE provides Westchester HypnoBirthing families with a copy of HypnoBirthing®: The Marie Mongan Method to guide you through your natural birth classes.
14 Hours of Expert Training
HypnoBirthing has a research-backed course structure that consists of five weekly sessions that span 2.5 hours each. Classes conveniently held in Westchester County.
Meditation Audio Tracks
Each mother enjoys the official Rainbow Relaxation MP3 download that encourages deep immersion of the HypnoBirthing techniques taught throughout these natural birth classes.
In-depth Workbook
Exclusive access to practical, easy to follow materials that thoroughly prepare your mind, body and birth partner for the special day. Westchester HypnoBirthing families will learn that there are always options because they are active participants during the birth.
The role of the mind-body connection is paramount in internalizing that
you can truly trust your body and baby throughout it all.
Whether you plan to have a water birth at home, a hospital birth, or anything in between, HypnoBirthing will help you achieve that calm, easy and more comfortable birth. You can expect to build confidence through special breathing techniques, relaxation and visualization exercises, as well as receive nutrition and functional fitness support. You and your birth partner will become more informed on your choices and learn how to create an environment of clear and honest communication with your care provider so that your natural birth plan will be respected.
A Little About Me
My name is Gal Shyli and I have a passion for helping people through all the stages of their parenting journey. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and am certified as both a HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator and as a prenatal and postpartum exercise specialist. My personal experiences as a twin mom, coupled with my educational background and love of fitness, inspired me to create a comprehensive, supportive approach that can help you live your best life as a woman, partner and mother. I truly believe that everything you need for a confident birth and an empowering motherhood is already within you and I cannot wait to guide you and other moms of Westchester to unleash that power today!